Mencurangi proteksi anti block di autOnuXregen

Terima kasih untuk kawan numpang_lewat atas kritikan yang membangun :).

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Berikut salah-satu cara yang bisa digunakan untuk mengcopy artikel dari autOnuX.
1. Buka page atau halaman yang pengen di copy
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- masuk ke Edit > preferences > pilih tab content terus jangan di centang (uncheck) Enable JavaScript. Seperti terlihat pada gambar :
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Sekarang bisa di copy tuh :) inget kawan jika kawan mengambil tulisan orang laen dan pengen di paste di blog atau di websitenya kawan jangan lupa untuk menuliskan sumber, apapun itu ! :)




Written by enigmax on February 18, 2008 on

The Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences website appears to have been the subject of a major security breach, as server backups, site databases and contact databases are leaked to BitTorrent. The 125MB file is currently being tracked by The Pirate Bay.

Early reports indicate that a Harvard University website has become the victim of a major security breach. A torrent currently tracked by The Pirate Bay which links to a 125mb .zip file, claims to be the backup from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences website.

The backup -seeded from a Harvard IP address (and others)- carries many files, passwords and what appears to be a full directory structure for the site. Three other major database files are mentioned specifically, details as follows:

1. joomla.sql - claims to be the database for the Harvard site

2. contacts.sql - claims to be a database of contacts

3. hgs.sql - stated as ‘other minor thing’

The .NFO file included with the release says in broken English: “Maybe you don’t like it but this is to demonstrate that persons like tgatton(admin of the server) in they don’t know how to secure a website.”

A file included with the release labeled password.txt carries a message:

Thomas gatton….stupid people, you don’t use a secure password

username: Password:

tgatton *removed by TF*

jmartinez *removed by TF*

This appears to be a reference to Thomas Gatton, Systems Administrator and User Support Specialist at Harvard.

This is not the first time Harvard has been hacked. In 2005, a man using the name ‘Brookbond’ helped applicants to several universities get access to admissions records on their websites, an action described by the school as a “serious breach of trust”.

These files certainly appear to be ‘the real deal’. More on this breaking news story as we get it.

Update: The website in question seems to be down now. They are most likely trying to fix the security breach.

Attention : This is just personal response :

After autOnuX crosscheck it in to
that hacked file still appear in thepiratebay
Admin yang sangat ceroboh :)

Selanjutnya terserah anda responnya :)




Preface :
Google was release google ebooks
. You can read more commercial ebooks from there (google ebooks). How to do this ?, absolutely its very simple just go to and write down your keyword on that site. For example i want to searching about hacking ebooks, now on that site i'm typing "the hacking black book" (without quote).

After that you will see many ebooks related about the hacking black book topic.

Choose what do you want to read. For example i'm choosing Stealing the network : blablabla.... :)

Pictures 1

Pictures 2


The point of this tutorial is not about how to reading commercial google ebooks :). But the point is how to download ebooks google or google ebooks ? because google not allowed to save the ebooks. Ebooks google not allowed you to save that ebooks! In this tutorial i will try to explore method how to save that ebooks , so you can read it without internet connection :)

In this case i'm using :
1. Ubuntu Linux but windows can do this too :)
2. Mozilla firefox but opera and IE can do this too ;)
3. And absolutely my brain and internet connection :)

That method :
1. Oke go to your ebook where you want to download (like preface), for example you want to download Stealing the network : blablabla.... :)click it after that that you will see like pictures 2.
2. Load page one to last page.

clicking button forward button.

3. After last page finished load,
- for mozilla under linux go to /home/antcode/.mozilla/firefox/k3zzgvtg.default/Cache
- for opera under linux go to
- for IE, mozilla, and opera under windows. Try it with your self :) or if you can't find that files write in comment and i will explore it under windows :)

in cache directory you will see ebook images files :)

so save it what you want :) that files is ebooks google files so save it into your drive :) and opened it without internet connections :)

thanks to :

Allah SWT, Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW

and Thanks to Kusuma Adhi Brata atas link books googlenya :) and atas kasus yang diberikan :)

g134nt (miss u :)), ashadebi, iNuX, real_low, SO't, ikhsan4488, blaCksHadoW, apakekdah, tomero, kocokjaya, vires18, jashaka, xace, yohukm, kiki, keboaja, loppes, odosh, online, Yt'o, frank dll dah capek neh mo bobok dolo :)

"Im sorry for my bad english :)"



Wah... judulnya serem...:)

Tadi aku dapet virus windows yaitu Kspoold dari temenku katanya di flash disknya ada virus. Setelah di cek ternyata ada ciri-ciri dari Kspoold (virus agak jadul). Berhubung aku masih makek linux OPENSUSE dan temenku dah buru-buru mau ke kampus aku disuruh memperbaiki dokumennya yang rusak.

Mau ganti ke windows booting windowsnya lama coz aku makek windows vista di Pentium III (percaya gak ? :)) lelet pool bootingnya. Aku mau ganti ke windows vista coz aku ada anti-virus yang bisa memperbaiki file yang terserang kspoold yaitu PCMedia Antivirus khusus Kspoold.

Akhirnya JURUS SAKTI emulator LINUX keluar yaitu wine he....

gi34nt@aut0nuX:/windows/E> dir
total 72977
-rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 69595680 2007-08-09 07:42 108Mbps SuperG.mdf
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2007-08-19 23:12 ajer
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 2007-07-27 07:05 drive
-rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 3582512 2007-04-27 08:44 DriverPrinter.rar
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16330 2007-08-20 01:16 Form1.frm
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 74 2007-08-20 01:16 Form1.frx
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 2007-07-14 00:58 FoxIt Product
-rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 125 2007-04-25 07:03 ioSpecial.ini
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 2007-02-25 12:03 LClock
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 106496 2007-08-17 07:52 linux_apps
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8192 2007-08-25 19:55 LinuX_SOft
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1318035 2007-04-27 08:43 maker.rar
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 2007-08-16 20:24 New Folder11
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 2007-08-19 23:41 Portable VB 6
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 2007-07-15 21:02 $RECYCLE.BIN
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 36864 2007-08-27 14:13 ' restricted
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28672 2007-08-23 00:02 SoftwareNet
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 2007-05-29 20:25 System Volume Information
gi34nt@aut0nuX:/windows/E> cd "' restricted"/
gi34nt@aut0nuX:/windows/E/' restricted> cd PCMAV-SE_-_KSpoold/
gi34nt@aut0nuX:/windows/E/' restricted/PCMAV-SE_-_KSpoold> dir
total 548
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 551424 2007-06-14 17:25 PCMAV-SE.exe
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6625 2007-06-04 15:24 Readme.txt
gi34nt@aut0nuX:/windows/E/' restricted/PCMAV-SE_-_KSpoold> wine PCMAV-SE.exe
fixme:shell:FileIconInit (true)
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x1002a,0x000000ff,0,2): stub!
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255
fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10056,0x00000000,255,2): stub!
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {148bd52a-a2ab-11ce-b11f-00aa00530503} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {148bd52a-a2ab-11ce-b11f-00aa00530503} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
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fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub
fixme:shell:SHGetFileInfoW set icon to shell size, stub

walaupun banyak fixme-nya PCMAV sukses jalan dan membersihkan virus windows di Linux OpenSuse :)

Seperti biasa linux emang jenius dan but linux tidak sendirian kali ini ditemani ama antivirus lokal hebat (coz gratis)...:)




Saya senang bisa berbagi dengan teman-teman. Setelah blog saya yang di di "blacklist" sama blogger temen-temen tidak bisa mengunjungi blog-ku walau hanya untuk say hello saja. Alangkah sedihnya setelah blog yang menjadi tempat saya nulis (walau tulisan tidak berarti :() di block ama blogger. Ini bukan masalah trafik tapi masalah "kecewa" karena saya tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan temen-temen internet saya :( kecewa karena saya harus "menata" ulang blogger yang baru :(

Semoga blog yang "jelek" ini juga tidak ikut-ikutan di blacklist walau kemaren sempat di block ama google :)




autOnuX reGeneratIoN was release circumventor web proxy. You can use this site to unblock web filters, allowing you to view restricted sites. autOnuX reGeneRatioN Proxy Site® allows you to browse sites that your school, work or library have blocked. autOnuX reGeneRatioN Proxy Site® also maintains your anonymity, keeping you secure. Your IP address will be hidden, so you can safely view Google, autOnuX reGeneRatioN, Myspace, Orkut and any other blocked sites. Be sure to bookmark us and to tell your friends!

Use this to protect your privacy !

If you found broken link please report it to us ! Thanks.




It's not joke, this GIGASIZE PREMIUM ACCOUNT account it's mine. I will give you free ! How to get it ? it's simple just type your email address in comment , after that i will send you the GIGASIZE PREMIUM ACCOUNT !

"Please Dont Change The Password After Login !"
"If You Do This I Will Not Shared Again My Another Premium Account !"

Click read more to see screenshot :

"I'm Sorry For My Bad English :)"



Software Pembobol

Berikut list software-software pembobol hasil karya sendiri :) mudah-mudahan gak banyak bug :) Berikut listnya :

bypass A-one Folder Encryption 3.08.rar

bypass Easy file protector.rar

bypass Folder Lock 5.7.5.rar

bypass folder lock v1.0.rar

bypass FolderCloak v2.5.rar

bypass Hide Files and Folders v2.8.rar

bypass Lock It Down v2.0.rar

bypass My Secret Folder XP 4.3.rar

bypass Supreme Folder Hider 1.3.rar




"This information only for educational purposes only"
  • In this age of the Internet, the world of computing and networking has developed so rapidly and is so widespread, digital information is becoming more and more valuable every day and it becomes more and more important to protect private and business sensitive data from malicious or unintended harm. More and more documents and information are migrating to the computer in the form of files stored on magnetic media. More and more computers are becoming linked together, exposing these files to the dangers of being destroyed, examined, or abused by other users of the network.
  • SuperEncryptor is a powerful professional encryption tool. it provides the safest way to store your information or sensitive data and protect it against such intrusions. It offers comprehensive data security protection through many features.
  • SuperEncryptor is designed to be easy to use with a nice and friendly interface. If you know how to use Windows Explorer, you know how to use SuperEncryptor!
  • Characteristic features: 1. It can encrypt files of any type or length. The encrypted file can be used without decrypting by SuperEncryptor. Double-click the file, then a password input box will popup. After putting in the correct password, you can open, edit or save the file. After closing it, it is still in encrypted state, and there is no need to encrypt it again. 2. It applies password protection to folders. With password, the folder can be used without decrypting by SuperEncryptor. Double-click the folder, and a password input box will come up. Only by inputting the correct password can you open it and it is still in encrypted state after you closing the folder. There is no need to encrypt it again with SuperEncryptor.
  • SuperEncryptor was awarded the second prize in the first Maishiya Digital Portable Applying Competition, which is sponsored by Maishiya Technology Co. Ltd, Chinese Shareware Registration Center, Programmer Magazine and Huajun Software Field.
    Taken from : introduction help page SuperEncryptor.
Perkenalan :
SuperEncrytor merupakan software keamanan yang dapat melindungi data atau file anda dari “tangan-tangan” yang tidak dikehendaki. Sytem yang digunakan yaitu bila kamu mau mengakses file yang terproteksi maka kamu harus melewati password yang dilontarkan oleh superencryptor.

Ok lets do it :)

If you badguy :) (wrong password), you will see prompt message :)

How about if you forget your password ? The answer is sell your computer :) Just kidding :) If you forget your password you can reset it so the software will not ask password again before you rechange it or input new password.

How to do it :
1. Go to installation directory "C:\Program Files\SuperEncryptor\" (default) without quote. In that directory you will found PwdManage.dat file, delete this file. If you cannot find this file try this way> go to command (win key + r) and type cmd.
In command promt type "cd C:\Program Files\SuperEncryptor\" (without quote) after that type "attrib -h -s /d /s" (without quote), now you can see PwdManage.dat file
2. Now try to run SUPER ENCRYPTOR software, Oh no prompt message still appear :)
3. Ok now go to "C:\windows"
(without quote), find PwdManage.dat and delete this file.
4. go to registry (windows+r) and type regedit.
5. now go to "SOFTWARE\fedtw1.2" find "EnterWithPass" double click it and change value data = 0 (change and fill zero).
6. Finish, try to run this software and you will see like this screenshot :)
NB : i try this methot in SUPERENCRYPTOR V7.8.2.0, mybe working in another version :)

"I'm sorry for my bad english :)"

greetz :

g134nt (:)), ashadebi, iNuX, real_low, SOe'T, ikhsan4488, blAckShadOw, kocokjaya, x-ace, tomero, yohukm, kiki, odosh, jashaka, keboaja, loppes, online, yuddy, ayam sayur and temen-temen echo gak bisa nyebutin satu-satu coz kebanyakan :(

